if I had I would be a great doctor

I am very proud of the doctor because the doctor can cure a lot of people. doctors always admired all those few people who are proud of him because he was studious and hard working practices.
Secondly, doctors are very instrumental in the health and doctors everywhere in every area of ​​the city where there are doctors everywhere.

finally, being a doctor is not easy so many people who want to be doctors, but few succeed, I hope I can manage to be a professional doctor
Conlusion, doctors always proud of everyone becase hardworking, udoctors always proud of everyone becase hardworking, being a doctor is hard

.  .     Introduction :
Goal: if I had I would be a great doctor
2.        Body :
Point #1 : doctors always proud of everyone becase hardworking
Point#2 : doctors always found everywhere
Point#3 : being a doctor is hard
3.       Conlusion :
doctors always proud of everyone becase hardworking, udoctors always proud of everyone becase hardworking, being a doctor is hard

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